ВЕСТНИК КазНТУ №3 (103)


после очистки в ней остается загрязняющих веществ 3,1 и 0,2 мг/л соответственно. .... aimed at the need to use environmentally friendly "live" treatment ...

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2019 science-j.com


Dialogic speech in the studied foreign language is one of the most acute problems .... Ariyan M. A. the Use of educational potential of speech etiquette in a foreign ..... essence, globalism is not a sign of progress, but rather a sign of crisis. ...... general economic equilibrium at the level of full employment with a zero balance of.

PHP: substr - Manual | User Contributed Notes 49 notes


If length is omitted, the substring starting from start until the end of the string will be returned. Example #2 Using a negative length.

string - substr() from the 1. to the last character C++ - Stack Overflow


I would like to use substr() function in order to get the chain of characters from the 1. to the last, without 0. Should I do sth like this: string str = xyz.substr(1, xyz.length()); or (xyz.length() - 1) ?




String.prototype.substr() - JavaScript | MDN | Веб-документация MDN


Метод substr() возвращает указанное количество символов из строки, начиная с указанной позиции.



Если этот параметр не указан, функция SUBSTR вернет всю строку. Примечание. Если start_position равно 0, то функция SUBSTR примет

JavaScript String substr() Method


The substr() method extracts parts of a string, beginning at the character at the specified position, and returns the specified number of characters. Tip: To extract characters from the end of the string, use a negative start number (This does not work in IE 8 and earlier).

SUBSTR Function :: SAS/IML(R) 13.1 User's Guide


The SUBSTR function takes a character matrix as an argument (along with starting positions and lengths) and produces a character matrix with the same dimensions as the argument. Elements of the result matrix are substrings of the corresponding argument elements.

PHP.SU - Функция substr()


Портал по PHP, MySQL и другим веб-технологиям, Форум PHP программистов, substr.

Справочник javascript: substr


Метод substr начинает собирать строку с позиции start и заканчивает, когда соберет length или дойдет до конца строки. Если start больше или равен длине строки, то substr возвращает пустую строку.



ASCII Table. Reset. Dec. Hex. Binary. HTML. Char. Description. 0. 00. 00000000. � NUL. Null. 1. 01. 00000001.  SOH. Start of Header. 2. 02. 00000010.  STX. Start of Text. 3. 03. 00000011.  ETX. End of Text. 4. 04. 00000100.  EOT. End of Transmission. 5. 05. 00000101.  ENQ.

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